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A U. S. Spy in Ireland by Martin S. Quigley in TXT, MOBI, EPUB


In 1943 Martin Quigley was one of three intelligence agents sent to Ireland to evaluate Ireland's neutrality during World War II, or the Emergency as it was euphemistically termed by the Irish. The only agent to retain his cover (as a representative of the U.S. film industry), his mission was to confirm or deny the widely-held view that Ireland was unhelpful to the Allies and even pro-German, a sentiment that still obtains in the former Allied countries today. Quigley's reports from Ireland, finally declassified in 1997 and reproduced in this volume, should once and for all dispel the myths that surround Irish neutrality, and his surprising conclusions will change how historians have traditionally viewed the role of Ireland during World War II. A U.S. Spy in Ireland also provides fascinating insights into the Ireland of 1943-its film business, politicians, church leaders, and social landscape.

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In Europe s Shadow" is the story of an ideological and geographic frontier and the book you must read in order to truly understand the crisis with Russia, and within Europe itself.Includes an in-depth, original, and lengthy interview with Bill Watterson.It features: contemporary Irish designs created using traditional techniques and stitch patterns implemented in new ways; a broad range of projects; guidance on working with different construction methods; and much more.Features an elegant design and 18 enjoyable-to-knit, one-of-a-kind patternsPatterns are just challenging enough to be fun to knitAll projects are thoughtfully designed for a beautiful finished projectWhether you're an intermediate or advanced knitter, "Contemporary Irish Knits" gives you the skills, projects, and know-how to create truly gorgeous knitted pieces that celebrate Ireland's living knitted tradition with a modern, contemporary twist., Knitters are looking for innovative patterns, and for opportunities to enhance their skills and broaden their range of knitterly knowledge.Not to be missed.With more than 300 pieces of Dunhuang decorative designs, this book reflects the artists' creativity and innovation in inheriting the national and the Buddhist art and embodies the splendid Chinese culture and the creativity of the Chinese people.The map also features: / Distance chart on the back of the map in both miles and kilometres.It is also likely to have been responsible for the creation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and J.M.W.This book is essential reading for students and researchers in the fields of education policy and Church/State relations in Ireland and will also engage non-academic audiences with an interest or involvement in Irish education., This book focuses on the historical and current place of religion in the Irish education system from the perspective of children's rights and citizenship.It opens with an essay on the historical background, and contains drawings of over 170 inscriptions connected with the monastery.